Decision on presidential bid to come after finale of 'The Apprentice'
NEW YORK — Michael Cohen, executive vice president and special counsel to Trump confirmed to NBC News that Trump would decide to run "after the finale of 'The Apprentice' in May of 2012 if he is not satisfied with the Republican nominee for President."
Special Counsel Michael Cohen said Friday that Trump could enter the race if Republicans fail to nominate a candidate who can defeat President Barack Obama. He said Trump probably would use his substantial wealth to even the playing field with Obama's re-election campaign.
Cohen said Trump's commitment to hosting TV's "The Apprentice" will keep him from doing anything until May, when the show's season wraps up.
Cohen said that Trump's decision would be fast, as he needed to begin the process to get his name on the ballot in all 50 states. Cohen told NBC News that Trump already has a game plan, as well as individuals identified in states to help begin the process of getting him on the ballot.
He said Trump filed his voter registration paperwork Thursday.